Cosmetic Medical Centre
The Cosmetic Medical Centre is a cosmetic surgery clinic in Sydney, established in 1988 headed by Dr Andrew Roberts an expert Cosmetic Surgeon and Dermatologist (EU) with more than 30 years of experience in the cosmetic surgical treatment industry, as well as dermatology. Our fully qualified cosmetic surgeons specialise in cosmetic surgery, non-surgical cosmetic treatments, dermatology, sex life improvement, decolletage rejuvenation and hair regrowth. We aim to help your look best using state-of-the-art technology and products, suited with comfort and safety at all times.
Dr Roberts has been practising dermatology and performing cosmetic and laser surgery for over 30 years. He is known for his experience in facial rejuvenation surgery, facelift, blepharoplasty, otoplasty, laser resurfacing and deep peelings, as well as liposuction and fat transplant. He is also an expert in non-surgical procedures, including dermal fillers, lip enhancement, laser treatment, facial rejuvenation and muscle relaxants for wrinkles, sweating and blushing.
The Cosmetic Medical Centre offers a comprehensive range of cosmetic procedures including:
• Facial Rejuvenation
• Plastic Surgery
• Blepharoplasty
• Body Contouring
• Anti-Wrinkle Injections
• Otoplasty
• Laser Resurfacing
• Eyelid Surgery
• Dermal Fillers
• Skin Rejuvenation
• Deep Skin Peel
• Facelift
• Liposuction
• Mesotherapy
• Mole Removal
• Skin Cyst Removal
• Ear surgery
• Botox injections
• Non-surgical procedures
• Reconstructive surgery
• Neck lifts
• Labiaplasty
• And so much more!
To book an appointment or should you have any questions in any of our cosmetic surgery in Sydney, don't hesitate to call or email The Cosmetic Medical Centre today!
The Cosmetic Medical Centre adalah klinik bedah kosmetik di Sydney, didirikan pada tahun 1988 dipimpin oleh Dr Andrew Roberts seorang ahli Ahli Bedah Kosmetik dan Dermatologi (UE) dengan lebih dari 30 tahun pengalaman dalam industri perawatan bedah kosmetik, serta dermatologi. Ahli bedah kosmetik kami yang berkualifikasi penuh mengkhususkan diri dalam bedah kosmetik, perawatan kosmetik non-bedah, dermatologi, peningkatan kehidupan seks, peremajaan kembali rambut dan pertumbuhan kembali rambut. Kami bertujuan untuk membantu penampilan Anda terbaik dengan menggunakan teknologi dan produk tercanggih, cocok dengan kenyamanan dan keamanan setiap saat.
Dr Roberts telah mempraktikkan dermatologi dan melakukan operasi kosmetik dan laser selama lebih dari 30 tahun. Ia dikenal karena pengalamannya dalam bedah peremajaan wajah, facelift, blepharoplasty, otoplasty, pelapisan laser dan pengelupasan dalam, serta sedot lemak dan transplantasi lemak. Ia juga ahli dalam prosedur non-bedah, termasuk pengisi kulit, peningkatan bibir, perawatan laser, peremajaan wajah dan pelemas otot untuk keriput, berkeringat dan memerah.
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