SEO Services for Sporting Goods Store

How do we maximise the performance of equestrian local e-commerce websites and get more online exposure?

Flexible Fit Equestrian

SEO Service for Sporting Good Store - Flexible Fit Equestrian Australia


Flexible Fit Equestrian has revolutionised the saddlery industry with its main concept to incorporate affordability, quality and comfort for you and your horse. Realising there had been very little innovation in the saddlery industry for some time they set about developing products that would please not only owners but more importantly be more sympathetic towards the horse. We have developed a range of equestrian products that we hope will revolutionise the way they are made and sold.

Digital Marketing Challenge

The sports industry is huge and growing tremendously. In fact, by 2020 sporting goods were placed in the 10th position among products purchased on the internet. As an equestrian e-commerce website, Flexible Fit Equestrian Australia has to compete with online marketplace giants. The sporting goods ecommerce store especially struggled with website maintenance and technical support. Its website has sat there for a while, not attracting enough traffic & visibility in the search engine results page. FFE Australia also was not too keen on the results of its online advertising.

Our Digital Marketing Solutions

Flexible Fit Equestrian Australia has seen an increase in conversion rate since partnering with Top4 Marketing. We implemented ecommerce SEO to ensure the equestrian ecommerce’s products show up on Google properties for the keywords potential customers use. Among the work we’ve done for the sporting goods ecommerce business are Google Merchant Center optimisation, Google ads, Facebook ads and Shopify website development. The e-commerce website now has 7.5k monthly visitors and ranks first on Google for the keywords "Horse Bridle Accessories." This campaign is still underway to further improve the equestrian ecommerce website’s online presence and generate more leads.


Website Direct Engagement


Total Discovery on GMB


Enhance Website Visitor


Increase User on Shopify

E-commerce Website, Facebook Ads, Google Ads, Social Media Marketing, |

Local marketing is used primarily by small businesses with a single location or outlet and having a complete digital strategy and local marketing agency is the best way to get ahead of the competition.

Get In Touch
SEO Service for Sporting Good Store - Flexible Fit Equestrian Australia

Temui Tim Digital Marketing Terbaik Kami
di Surabaya, Jakarta dan Bali

Kami adalah tim digital marketing berpengalaman yang siap membantu mencapai tujuan bisnismu. Dengan keahlian dalam SEO, media sosial, konten kreatif, dan strategi pemasaran digital lainnya, kami berkomitmen untuk memberikan hasil terbaik bagi klien kami di Surabaya, Jakarta, Bali dan kota-kota lain di Indonesia.

Dapatkan solusi pemasaran digital yang inovatif dan efektif dengan tim kami yang berdedikasi dan penuh semangat!

Top4 at SEOCON Bali 2024

Top4 baru-baru ini hadir di SEOCON Bali 2024 – salah satu acara SEO terbaik di APAC!

Di Top4 Technology + Marketing, kami terus meningkatkan keterampilan kami untuk memastikan kami memberikan strategi marketing terbaik yang memberikan hasil nyata untuk bisnis Anda.

Dari SEO dan marketing konten hingga media sosial dan iklan berbayar, tim kami siap membantu Anda!

Jawab YA

  • Sudah mengeluarkan puluhan juta untuk alat mahal tapi bingung
    bagaimana meningkatkan penjualan dan menarik klien baru?
  • Kelelahan mengurus marketing dan sales sendiri?
  • Kampanye lead generation hanya menghasilkan leads yang tidak bermutu?
  • Pernah bekerja dengan agensi marketing yang strateginya tidak efektif?
  • Perlu tim tambahan untuk menjual barang & jasa Anda saat ini?
  • Ingin tahu lebih lanjut dan bekerja sama dengan tim yang berpengalaman
    dalam funnels, strategi, marketing, sales secara langsung?

Coba sesi strategi gratis dari kami yang hanya memakan waktu maksimal 45 menit. Isi formulir sekarang & pilih waktu yang sesuai dengan preferensi Anda!

Konsultasikan dengan Digital Marketing Agency Terbaik Surabaya, Jakarta dan Bali

Digital Marketing Agency Surabaya, Gresik, Sidoarjo, Malang, Bali
Mulai Konsultasi

Bicarakan kebutuhan proyek Anda. Kami akan membuat penawaran sesuai tujuan & anggaran Anda.

Konsultasi Sekarang
Digital Marketing Agency Surabaya, Gresik, Sidoarjo, Malang, Bali
Dapatkan Harga Digital Marketing

Berapa biaya proyek Anda? Kami akan memandu Anda melewatinya.

Mari Bicara
Digital Marketing Agency Surabaya, Gresik, Sidoarjo, Malang, Bali
Hubungi Website Expert

Untuk pertanyaan umum atau jika Anda memiliki proyek dalam pikiran dan ingin mengobrol.

Hubungi Sekarang