Company Profile Website for Vehicle Inspections

How did we rebuild the Information Architecture (IA) for a local vehicle inspection’s website to improve user experience?

German Precision

Website Redesign for a Local Vehicle Inspection - German Precision


German Precision has been in the automotive industry for more than 35 years, providing services such as pre-purchase inspections, engine checks and vehicle servicing. With decades of experience, we know what it takes to provide and exceed customer expectations. Our reviews show the wide variety of vehicles (not just German brands)that have been inspected and reported for our clients, many of whom are repeat clients.

Digital Marketing Challenge

A solid digital presence is key in our highly competitive environment. But simply having a mere online presence would not cut it. To maintain a competitive edge, businesses must constantly grow and change. For German Precision, it was important to stay modern and relevant so as to reflect the aesthetics that are most appealing to its customers. The local vehicle inspection’s website lacked structure. Instead of creating clarity, the content amplified confusion. After successfully working together to improve its digital presence and exposure, German Precision reached out to Top4 Marketing for a website redesign.

Our Digital Marketing Solutions

Our goal was to create a system that could logically represent the wide variety of content the local vehicle inspection started producing, including video introductions, research and reports, articles, etc. To make the user interaction more immersive with the website, we overhauled the homepage layout, such as adding videos relevant to its industry and optimising the content to be SEO-friendly. With our website redesign services, German Precision now provides positive experiences that keep users loyal to its brand through a contemporary and appealing visual design that highlights the German Precision identity.

Content Writing, Website, |

Your website should look good and be easy to use, regardless of the device. Furthermore, it shouldn't just look beautiful, but it should also convert visitors to customers. Contact us today to build your new website!

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Website Redesign for a Local Vehicle Inspection - German Precision

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Digital Marketing Agency Surabaya, Gresik, Sidoarjo, Malang, Bali
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