Landing Page Development for Gym Equipment

How did Gym Lab successfully improve user experience on their website?

Gym Lab

Gym Disinfectant


Gym Lab is the ultimate gym disinfectant that is ready to shake up and transform the ever-expanding fitness industry as we know it. The multipurpose, eucalyptus based formula has been scientifically proven to kill 99.9% of germs while eliminating unpleasant odours, deodorising and disinfecting. Designed for use on all gym equipment, non-washable gear and surfaces, and perfect for all those hard to reach places.

Gym Lab’s origins come from a concern for the environment and the endless amount of wipes and paper towels being used to disinfect gyms, clogging up drainage systems and harming the environment. There has to be a simpler and more efficient way. That’s where Gym Lab comes in. Although it is proper gym etiquette, most members don’t sanitise equipment between uses, and nor do gym employees. The unfortunate truth is that the simple sharing of yoga mats, exercise mats, cardiovascular machines and weight training equipment provides germs with the opportunity to travel from person to person. Anytime there are lots of people sweating on gym equipment it creates an environment which is a playground for germs and bacteria, putting your health and immune system at risk. Researchers have proven that equipment such as treadmills, exercise bikes and free weights have more than 1 million per square inch of bacteria alone — making it dirtier than a toilet seat.

Digital Marketing Challenge

Gym Lab approached Top4 Marketing to build and improve their website. Their customers mainly bought their products from the website, so they wanted to make sure that all the right systems are in place as well as giving their customers the best possible user experience while using the website.

Our Digital Marketing Solutions

We provided a number of concepts to the client before we proceeded and decided on the final landing page that was much approved and appreciated by the client. The landing page established Gym Lab's brand identity, setting it apart from the competition and creates a professional first impression with potential clients. After the website went live, feedback indicates that their customers are spending more time on the website, with a smooth interface and much-improved user experience, which ultimately leads to more conversions.

Gym Disinfectant

Landing Page, Website, |

Your website should look good and be easy to use, regardless of the device. Furthermore, it shouldn't just look beautiful, but it should also convert visitors to customers. Contact us today to build your new website!

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Gym Lab - Digital Marketing Case Study - Top4 Marketing

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