Healing Tao Australia
Healing Tao Australia is the outback’s community of Taoist meditation enthusiasts and followers of Taoist Grand Master Mantak Chia which has grown considerably in the last decade with the dissemination of info on holistic healing. With interest, acknowledgement and helpful discoveries confirming the benefits of many holistic approaches to the mindful bodiness of spiritual health, this spiritual community reinforces and teaches Taoist meditation techniques, values, beliefs and practices that encapsulate and promote a healthy spiritual lifestyle through a myriad of mental, spiritual and physical routines for all to use regardless of faith.
Healing Tao Australia, Mantak Chia’s Taoist meditation community has grown over the years with faithful followers finding peace, personal growth & healing from within this holistic community. And with their grandmaster’s guidance & support, the community is sure to grow further. With a grand tour only three months away & with the grandmaster arriving to visit, teach, enlighten & fortify the tenants of peace within the minds, bodies and souls of his vast holistic healing community, just how do you get the word out effectively to the targeted masses? through what channels, how often with what sort of messages and how do you properly funnel those likely participants to the upcoming 2022 World Tour of their grandmaster? Healing Tao Australia approached Top4 Marketing to address those challenges.
Well situated to take up the challenge to see the holistic healing community’s event fully booked and sprawling with Taoist meditation enthusiasts, the Top4 team of social media specialists completely understood what was before them. We began multiple-channel social media and email marketing campaigns targeting holistic healing interested prospects redirecting them to information, advertisements and other helpful excerpts leading them to book tickets for the Taoist meditation event with Mantak Chia. Within a short few weeks, Healing Tao Australia saw a dramatic increase in organic reach that led to more ticket sales. Approaching the D-day of the event, the campaigns have been boosted with social media advertising like Facebook and Instagram ads. This campaign is still underway to further win more attendees to the big event.
Total impressions on Instagram
Increase in organic reach for non-followers
Facebook posts’ organic reach within a month
Increase in Twitter’s profile visits
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