Email Marketing Strategies for Entertainers

How did Sam Powers promote his ZOOM performances post-COVID?

Sam Powers

Sam Powers



Contemporary Australian Illusionist Sam Powers is a spectacular showman with a style and flair all his own. His visually compelling feats have been refined to perfection, making illusions once pioneered by great magicians of old fresh and accessible to modern audiences.

Sam fell in love with magic at age three when he watched in awe during a magic show at his kindergarten Christmas party. By the age of five, he was amazing his own school teachers, at fifteen he made his first appearance on national TV and at eighteen he earned the coveted title of Australian 'Magician of the Year' in the 'Adult Stage Magic' category. When he was twenty-two Sam became the youngest ever Australian to successfully vanish and reproduce a real sports car live on stage, with the audience just meters away. With five 'Magician of the Year' awards to his name, he has performed in 19 countries across the globe.

Powers has appeared on television before 20 million viewers on programs including The Today Show, Sunrise, Mornings, The Footy Show, The Morning Show, A Current Affair, Nine News, Ten News, Seven News, the Disney Channel, and MTV. In addition to his magical pedigree, Sam has shared the front cover of Cleo Magazine with Paris Hilton as a finalist for Australia’s 'Bachelor of the Year'.

After completing a record-breaking 2000 shows at the Reef Hotel Casino, Sam shot to fame reaching the Grand Final of the hit TV show 'Australia’s Got Talent', seen by millions around the world. He now stars alongside six of the industry's greatest illusionists onstage in the biggest magic show on the planet, 'The Illusionists 2.0' world tour.

Performing 400 shows a year, Powers is Australia's busiest and most highly sought after illusionist.

Digital Marketing Challenge

When COVID-19 forced Contemporary Australian Illusionist Sam Powers to cancel his shows and performances, he knew he had to act fast. Instead of doing live shows, he started to move his performances online using ZOOM and other online platforms. However, he needed to get the word out there, so he approached Top4 Marketing to help him with email marketing.

Our Digital Marketing Solutions

Using our all-in-one location-based marketing platform Top4, we helped Sam Powers to rank higher on Google for his main targeted keywords. Meanwhile, we also started to work on the email marketing campaign to promote his new online shows on ZOOM. The campaign was a success and Sam Powers was able to keep performing, despite the restrictions to deal with the pandemic.

Sam Powers

Email Marketing, Lead Generation, |

Local marketing is used primarily by small businesses with a single location or outlet and having a complete digital strategy and local marketing agency is the best way to get ahead of the competition.

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Sam Powers

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