Landing Page for Nail Supplies

How did we help an online nail supplies store attract motivated brand ambassadors with a custom landing page?

Tanaka Beauty

Landing Page - Tanaka Beauty


Tanaka Beauty is a well-known nail supplies e-commerce based in Perth, Western Australia. The ecommerce site offers high-quality products and expert-led nail classes for all skill levels. Tanaka Beauty was founded with the mission to provide customers with top-notch nail supplies and the opportunity to enhance their skills. You can trust Tanaka Beauty for all your nail supplies needs, with their convenient online shop and expert-led classes!

Digital Marketing Challenge

Tanaka Beauty was looking to expand its brand presence and reach a wider audience of motivated brand ambassadors. Despite its efforts to promote products and increase brand awareness, the nail supplies ecommerce site struggled to effectively communicate its message and engage its target audience. The store lacked a specific landing page for potential brand ambassadors, making it difficult to effectively communicate the benefits of partnering with the store. Recognising the success of our previous work on its SEO and other digital marketing campaigns, the nail supplies store reached out to us once again to create a custom landing page tailored to the needs of potential brand ambassadors, to effectively communicate their brand message and drive conversions.

Our Digital Marketing Solutions

Our web developers built a custom landing page tailored specifically to attract motivated brand ambassadors for Tanaka Beauty. The landing page was designed to provide a seamless user journey, making it easy for potential brand ambassadors to navigate and sign up. The page effectively communicated the benefits of partnering with the store and helped to drive conversions. The e-commerce's efforts to increase brand awareness and reach a wider audience was successfully achieved through our effective landing page solution.

Landing Page, |


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Tanaka Beauty - Landing Page

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Digital Marketing Agency Surabaya, Gresik, Sidoarjo, Malang, Bali
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